Pastor Bryan has served Emmanuel Lutheran Church since 2009. He attended the Bowling Green State University graduating with a BA in Interpersonal and Public Communications in in 1984. He received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in 1988. Prior to accepting a call to serve as pastor of Emmanuel, he served an inner city parish in Dayton, Ohio for twenty years, He has a real passion to share the gospel and find ways to share God's love through creative outreach ministries. He enjoys spending time with his family, going to school sports and musical activities, reading and making music. He is married to Dana and has three children.
Gay Crilow is the church secretary and office administrator. She is responsible for the weekly bulletin, church newsletter, updating the website and assisting the pastor. She is also responsible for receiving applications for rentals of the Parish Hall. Gay is married to Brian, a retired teacher and has two children, Kyle (Gina) and Kristen.
Andrea Hawthorne is the custodian of Emmanuel Lutheran Church. She keeps the church clean and presentable for the many church and community activities. She has a cheerful disposition and is very friendly. She is married to Don and has one child.