Mission Statement
“Glorify God and share God’s Word to all by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Core Values
Jesus is Lord and Savior
God’s Word is authoritative for life and ministry
We pray and are led by the Holy Spirit as we do God’s work
We will edify and encourage one another as we serve Christ; we love our neighbors as ourselves
We use our gifts to serve one another and share the Gospel with others
God’s Word is authoritative for life and ministry
We pray and are led by the Holy Spirit as we do God’s work
We will edify and encourage one another as we serve Christ; we love our neighbors as ourselves
We use our gifts to serve one another and share the Gospel with others
While exploring Facebook, I came across a church called Emmanuel Lutheran and read their post about a recent mission trip to Mexico. This intrigued me so I went to their website to learn more about them. I learned that they have two services; one traditional and the other offered alternative styles of worship. The site promotes active members use of their gifts including: a children’s choir, praise and worship team, a drama group, brass ensemble, bells and an adult choir. Transportation is available upon request. A quick scroll on the calendar revealed that the junior and senior high youth groups had a family fun day planned. Other upcoming events were posted parent’s night out, opportunities for service projects such as Habitat for Humanity, a chartered bus tour for a Gaither concert, registration for a conference on the Holy Spirit, and a monthly “love feast” for the church and community. Numerous small group offerings were listed too: Alzheimer, grief and divorce support groups, book club, healing and prayer team training, young adult rap session, and Faith Active in Love (a ministry of outreach and evangelism through random acts of kindness sharing God’s love in concrete ways in the community} and a satellite ministry at Chestnut Crossing. There seemed to be something for everyone, including someone like me. I decided to attend the next Sunday service.
When I pulled up to turn into the driveway, I noticed a digital sign, beautiful landscaping and a statue of Jesus reaching out with welcoming arms. A parking assistant showed me to the newly paved parking area. I notice a huge playground area and a memorial garden. As I entered the church, I was warmly welcomed. I was offered a cup of coffee and visited with some church members. It was a diverse group of people from toddlers to senior citizens. I watched a video of many outreach programs of the church that played in the foyer. As I made my way into the sanctuary, I noted it recently been remodeled, including video imaging and closed circuit TV for the nursery. The bulletin offered many programs geared toward people of all ages. I was uplifted and encouraged during the worship. Upon leaving, I was given a visitors packet. A young man shook my hand and thanked me for coming. When he asked if he could answer any questions I might have, I felt at home and knew I would be coming back to learn more about Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
When I pulled up to turn into the driveway, I noticed a digital sign, beautiful landscaping and a statue of Jesus reaching out with welcoming arms. A parking assistant showed me to the newly paved parking area. I notice a huge playground area and a memorial garden. As I entered the church, I was warmly welcomed. I was offered a cup of coffee and visited with some church members. It was a diverse group of people from toddlers to senior citizens. I watched a video of many outreach programs of the church that played in the foyer. As I made my way into the sanctuary, I noted it recently been remodeled, including video imaging and closed circuit TV for the nursery. The bulletin offered many programs geared toward people of all ages. I was uplifted and encouraged during the worship. Upon leaving, I was given a visitors packet. A young man shook my hand and thanked me for coming. When he asked if he could answer any questions I might have, I felt at home and knew I would be coming back to learn more about Emmanuel Lutheran Church.